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Linwood Lake Carp Test Baiting Findings

The Anoka Conservation District and lake residents recently “test baited” Linwood Lake to see how well box netting with corn bait might work to reduce the lake’s carp population.  We found that carp responded, but not strongly. Box netting is still an option for Linwood Lake, but wouldn’t likely provide large carp removals quickly.

Linwood Lake AIS Survey Points 7-7-2019.

AIS Citizen Monitoring Update

Linwood Lake AIS Citizen Monitoring Committee completed their first of three lake survey July 7, 2019.  25 shoreline points throughout Linwood Lake was surveyed.  It was noted that water level was down at the time of the survey, and a few areas weeds were starting to die off. There was a lot of clipped weeds floating on the surface due to the heavy weekend boat traffic. The bay area where Boot Lake feeds into Linwood continues to be very choked off with a lot of the blockage being caused by Coon Tail causing heavy matting.
The good news is that no new AIS, including Starry Stonewort, was found.

Murky Pool

Linwood Lake Report Card: C

What does a grade of C mean for Linwood Lake.


From Idea to Reality: The Evolution of Linwood Lake Improvement Association

Coming soon


1-on-1 with Linwood Lake Improvement Association Board

Coming soon


Making A Difference

Curly Leaf Pond Weed (CLP)

Spring of 2018 a chemical application for the invasive specie CLP was applied to LInwood Lake.  This was done with a combination of LLIA funds and a grant secured from Anoka County off setting a portion of the costs.


Carp Removal

Over population of Carp is another threat to Linwood Lake.  With our organization’s mission always in mind, we strive to find new strategies for dealing with this challenge.


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